General Comments June 2024

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For those who have convictions reduced, it is still taking a lot of time for the DOJ to reassign your tier if you qualify. It has almost been 12 weeks so far without an update from them. They have acknowledged they have received my paperwork but that they are in the process of analyzing it or some BS. I have called for a update and they have stated to call back in about three weeks. I guess waiting is better than hearing a “no” but just wanted to let everyone know.

So what happens if SCOTUS overturns or trims Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council? Isn’t that about to be released soon?

Last year a 18 year old girl was indicted for raping her 12 year old soon to be stepbrother and for trying to hook up with other young boys online. After spending a year in prison, she’s now a level 3 registrant, and was placed in a residential treatment facility due to her stepmom’s concern she’ll keep trying to hook up with young boys. I hope she gets the help she needs and it’s another example of someone not on the registry committing a sex offense.

Hello Everyone,

I live in NY and currently on Federal supervision for Possession of CP. A year ago, my original SORA judge designated me a level 2, public registry, yearly mail-in, every 3 years a picture has to be taken. I appealed to the NY Court of Appeals, 1st Division, to reverse the original Judges decision. I found out they rejected it today and I am pretty bummed/sad. My lawyer says I can appeal to the US Court of Appeals, but says it will be expensive and may be worth waiting a few years for a downwards departure hearing. In NY, you can request a downwards departure hearing (level modification hearing) once per year.

Question for anyone who has had a successful modification hearing: When was the time you succeeded in reducing your level? My SO therapist recommends I wait 5 years after my supervision ends, but I wanted to hear other people’s views.

Let me state that I currently have 3 and a half years left of supervision although I plan to request early termination in a year.

Someone here told me to calm down. Ha ha ha. I am calm. I was better before reading this everyday. To many crybabies. So now I limit my viewing. A letter from the state of Michigan is the only relevant opinion I value when dealing with the list. Thou Discusted In Michigan, Athena, and a few others have helped.

This morning the United States Supreme Court overturned years of precedent in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, ruling that the Chevron Deference doctrine should be overturned.

The Supreme Court rules homeless people can be given a ticket for sleeping outside. As Daffy Duck says, despicable…

With regards to the supreme court giving Grants Pass, Oregon the authority and ability to enforce their no camping homeless law, this is going to open up Pandora’s box in my personal opinion.

What is camping? If you stay in your motor home in a Walmart parking lot, is that illegal? If you sleep in your car somewhere to protect yourself in the dead of the night, is that legal? Does it require a tent? Do you need a sleeping bag? Do you need just blankets? How many nights in a row constitutes camping? What if it’s only one night? I see that this really can put the transient population in peril regardless of how they got to that state, e.g. PFR, etc.

Last edited 8 months ago by TS

Question about the recent SCOTUS decision regarding the Chevron Deference. SCOTUS has decided the courts should no longer defer to the expertise of the administrators, but instead make their own decisions. Thus the courts will now evaluate whether the Administrators interpretation of the law, based on evidence presented by the administrators, compared to evidence presented by those that disagree with the interpretations, should prevail. However…

All legislative decrees regarding the registry will continue to be presumed to be Unquestionably true with no need for any substantiation, court evaluation, disregarding all administrator disagreement and all evidence to the contrary? Just presume that whatever the legislature says is sufficiently accurate to be presumed to be unquestionably true?

So if the NY State Legislature declares DJT to be a relentless blah blah blah….SCOTUS will presume that to be Unquestionably True? You know based on the information that came out during his confirmation process, the same unquestionably true legislative conclusion could be reached with Justice Kavanaugh…or even Justice Thomas?

I’m sure they would both agree with all of this

This issue related to the attached article on Clarence Thomas raises the bar on a social media interpretation that could add legal issues related to anybody accused of a crime of the type of offense that ACSOL challenges. A simple social media connection could lead to incarceration.
Clarence Thomas Warns of ‘Danger’ After Supreme Court Decision (

Wait….not one mention of people forced to register, people listed on the registry, etc?? 🤔 A pleasant surprise.

200 missing kids found in national operation, including in California

Well, there’s also this: “On June 26, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) held in Snyder v. United States that 18 U.S.C. § 666 does not apply to gratuities — even those that raise eyebrows and ethical concerns.”
So now you simply need to find the right person in charge of your State’s Sex Offense Registry and offer that person a “gratuity” to remove your name from the Registry!! 🤷🏻‍♂️

If the Supreme Court says it’s not illegal for you to offer it or for then to accept it, then it must be okay!

Am I wrong?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Last edited 7 months ago by David⚜️